Winter Sunshine – a break in the rain

finding the sunshine through the forest canopy

Winter generally does me no good. The wet and cold wreak havoc with my body and health. But when the sun does come out even for just a morning, like a flower I begin to bloom. With my energy and positivity restored, we planned a little outing to keep some of the Summer with us. Our impromptu outing lead us into the Hunua Valley where he headed off down into the bush toward Hunua Falls.


I was not prepared for the icy cold that met us, as we journeyed on. The Sun may have been shining, but it’s rays could not reach down through the dense over-growth. With our spirit of Adventure high, we explored the dark green and kept a brisk pace to keep the chill off.
060I felt like an explorer of an unknown world, treading carefully down steep slopes, and hopping from stone to stone across the swollen river. We passed pools of  pale turquoise and finally came out to a majestic sight. As we neared the gushing water, I became very aware at the force coming down from those falls. With all the winter rain, the river was full to the brim and every drop added the power in the falls.



He brings such humor everywhere we go

Cosey Dam

Our journey that day ended at the Cosey Dam… all that water lead here, to be conserved for our use.

This is one beautiful country we live in. So alive, so raw and so majestic!

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